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Cataloxy Новокуйбышевск...Фирмы НовокуйбышевскaТранспортЗапасные части, оборудованиеАккумуляторы автомобильныеBosch Авто Сервис - автосервис

Bosch Авто Сервис


WEB100 Technologies

During 5 years of our collaboration with “WEB100” we did not face any significant problems concerning security or workability of our e-commerce applications.
During collaboration we have observed the highest level of professionalism and excellent quality of work, that was frequently proven in complex and constantly changing environment of our business.
During our collaboration WEB100 have proven to be reliable and responsible partner that always follow all our corporate requirements and standards.
"WEB100 Technologies" team proved itself as a responsible and qualified contractor. All the work was performed efficiently and promptly.
The reasons for our long-term collaboration became the timeliness and accuracy in performance of the assigned tasks, competence and individuality in the approach to the requirements of company Alliance Holding Ltd.
Herewith I would like to confirm a successful cooperation experience of OOO "Robert Bosch" with "WEB100 Technologies" company in the web-page development and support.
WEB100 provided us with a high-quality solution in time and on budget and we have continued working with WEB100 through the intervening period on realization of several smaller educational projects.
Despite short terms and unformed tasks in advance by customer, developers along with project team were able to successfully complete the concept, project functional specification and fulfill all the development stages in time.
During our long and productive cooperation “WEB100 Technologies” company has shown itself as a reliable and responsible partner, its employees have demonstrated a high degree of professionalism.
The “Web100 LTD” specialists have performed these tasks in time and identified problems and bottlenecks of the product in a very efficient manner. This allowed us making all necessary corrections and releases in time.
We are fully satisfied with the service, "WEB100 Technologies" staff skills and can confidently recommend this company as a reliable supplier of solutions in the field of the development and content management of the BOSCH sites for other directions.
Автосервис, Мотомасла, Химия, Транспорт
Автотовары, Автотовары: Автоаксессуары, Автозапчасти для иномарок, Автозапчасти для отечественных автомобилей, Автомобильные аккумуляторы
Автотовары, Другое: Автомасла
Автотовары, Автосервис: Автомойки, Авторемонт и техобслуживание (СТО), Кузовной ремонт
Грузоперевозки, Автотранспорт: Продажа легковых автомоби

Не забывайте, что самую подробную информацию об организации Bosch Авто Сервис в Новокуйбышевскe вы всегда можете получить на официальном сайте, в офисе компании или позвонив по телефону

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  Официальный сайт: boschcarservice.ru
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 Адрес: Восточное шоссе, 5
446201, г. Новокуйбышевск, Самарская область

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